In many organizations, people hesitate to act for fear of offending a manager or making a mistake. In [P1], if you feel something needs to be done, do it. Don't ask for permission or wait for approval, rather practice C.A.C.


Communicate: Let your team know what you plan to do. Consider feedback carefully if it comes but don't wait for it.

Act: Just do it.

Communicate: Let the team know how things went.

You may make a mistake that requires reversing your work. Such reversals should be celebrated and encouraged. Fear of making errors shouldn't paralyze you. Don't fret about perfection; take action.

Taking responsibility

All members who have finished their introduction chat are encouraged to take a leadership role within their team. It can be awkward especially if you're new to step up. However, this is how Agile organizations operate, we lead together.

We are all leaders and we all have something important to contribute we've got to take ownership over the goal of the team together.

When something is not how it should be, don't wait for some sort of manager. Rather, take initiative and fix it. It's for you, no matter what rank you are, to jump in there and take initiative.

Blocked by others

When you're new, it can be challenging to envision taking on the responsibility of reassigning someone else to clear a blockage. However, even as a newcomer, it's essential to show this level of initiative.

Sometimes, you might encounter a situation where one person is waiting on another, who in turn is waiting on someone else. This can be a recipe for disaster, especially if the person you're waiting on hasn't updated their card in a while. Here's how to check if a card needs an update.

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